❔ Did you know that there might be several hundreds of £ to be made by chosing the right scrap dealer?
“How much is my scrap car worth?” – You’re not the only one in the UK with that question! However the answer depends on many different factors like the car model, age, milages etc. If you would like to maybe narrow the field a bit, feel free to read this guide about the DO's and DON'Ts when you need to scrap your car.
DON'T: Instant Quote
Don't do instant quotes, for the sole reason that instant offers often are 10-30% lower than the actual value of the car. They are computer generated and therefore give less pounds to ensure that the bidder doesn't have a loss. Our purpose is to provide you with the best price, that reflects the actual value of your car. All our bids are made by car dealers, scrap dealers and brokers that are bidding on you car. Most often you will even have the price within 4 hours.
Factors that influence your price
- Car age and milage
- Condition of the car
- Weight of the car (in iron)
- Steel and iron prices
- Spare part prices
- and many more...
TIP: Get offers from 2-4 dealers, and always get an offer from real people.
How can I get the best price for scrapping my car?
Start your local search
The best way to get a high scrap price for your car it probably to offer the vehicle to more than one scrapyard. With that said, searching local is playing a really important role here – not many people realize how their location will effect the offers they are able to get for their scrap vehicle. The further your buyer must travel to pick up the scrap car, the smaller they offer to cover their costs in the end. Conclusion on that matter - if you want to get the highest offer for your scrap car, you are best off checking out the closest scrapyard first.
Timing matters
Scrapyards can be busy places. Normally the scrap dealers are fully booked by the end of the month. Which means, when they see a big supply of scrap cars, they lower their prices. Again, this means that you would get the highest offers for your scrap vehicle within the first 2 weeks of the month.

Don't sell car parts only
If you feel tempted to remove any parts from your car and sell them separately, then don't! The vehicles with all their original components will always be the cars with the most scrap value. The buyer (Scrap car dealers) will often subtract the value of any missing parts from the total price they are willing to offer you for your scrap vehicle. Here is an example: removing the engine from the scrap car can reduce the scrap value by almost £70, and the catalytic converter could "eat" between £30 and £85 from the total scrap price. Taking into consideration that UK scrap cars are valued between £100 and £300, it’s not worth the risk and effort.
Use scrap4more.co.uk free online auction service
Here at Scrap4more we only partner with Authorized Treatment Facilities – they are all trusted, regulated professionals with a proven track of excellent records and standards of service known throughout the nation. Therefore, it makes it so much easier to find a decent scrap yard or car broker through us.
What factors will influence my scrapping price?
A question that we hear almost daily is: “how much can I get for my scrap car?” As mentioned earlier in this guide, there is not a quick, simple, nor correct answer. The offer you will get for your own scrap car really depends on a lot of factors and variables. Some of these you can influence, and some of which you cannot. These factors can include:
The vehicle size really matters
Directly to the point: the heavier the vehicle the more the value. The bigger the scrap car is, the more scrap metal it will hold therefore the more there will be to salvage. And normally the bigger car parts there will be to salvaged. The daily scrap metal prices determine the value of the car, so of course, at the end of the day, the car size matters.

Vehicle brand, model and age
As the make and model always affects the purchase price of your vehicle, it also affects the price when the car gets dismantled and scrapped. Cars that are more expensive to buy can often be worth more when they are scrapped. The reason can be that the newer the car parts, the more "life" they will have left, and the more money they will bring to the business. Age can also come into play – a model from 2015, for example, could be worth more than one from 2001. But again, supply and demand has a great impact in how scarp cars are valued today.
Your distance from the scrapyard
Collecting a scrap car can be a costly affair. Especially if the distance plays a big role in the deal. The more transport time there is in collecting your car, the more the price will be reduced. That's logical. Here at scarp4more.co.uk we attempt to find the best value for you. So, we are looking for the closest car broker who is willing to pay the most. As simple as it seems, there is a bit work to it.

Sell your scrap car within 24 hours
Through our network of more than 70 scrapyards, car dealers and car brokers throughout the nation we are currently processing 3000 scrap vehicles a month. Here is how you get your scrap car listed for free in our online scrap car auction in 4 simple steps:
- Fill in your registration number, and our system will automatically fetch the details of the vehicle. We do that to ensure that the details are correct, so the dealer has the possibility to offer the right price.
- Next you need to fill in the rest of your information. Name, address, e-mail, phone etc. We will not under any circumstance misuse this information. We only need them to get in contact with you.
- After registration, your car will now be listed in our auction. Within the next few hours, the bids will add up, and we will send you the best offer we have received.
- Now, if you like the offer, and you wish to proceed, just click accept, and you have yourself a deal.